La interacción entre la melatonina y el nervio vago tiene un efecto protector sobre el tracto gastrointestinal en caso de lesión por isquemia / reperfusión.

El propósito de este estudio fue investigar el efecto protector de la interacción entre el nervio vago y la melatonina después de la isquemia / reperfusión. Los resultados del estudio confirman la probabilidad de que los efectos protectores de la melatonina remedian la lesión por isquemia / reperfusión mediante el nervio vago, por lo tanto, existe una interacción entre la melatonina y el nervio vago en sus efectos protectores.

Protective effects of an interaction between vagus nerve and melatonin on gastric ischemia/reperfusion: the role of oxidative stress.

Iran J Basic Med Sci. 2016 Jan;19(1):72-9
Authors: Shahrokhi N, Khaksari M, Nourizad S, Shahrokhi N, Soltani Z, Gholamhosseinian A

OBJECTIVES: Vagal pathways in gastrointestinal tract are the most important pathways that regulate ischemia/reperfusion (I/R). Gastrointestinal tract is one of the important sources of melatonin production. The aim of this study was to investigate probable protective effect of the interaction between vagus nerve and melatonin after I/R.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: This study was performed in male rats that were divided into six groups. Cervical vagus nerve was cut bilaterally after induction of I/R and the right one was stimulated by stimulator. Melatonin or vehicle was injected intraperitoneally. The stomach was removed for histopathological and biochemical investigations.
RESULTS: A significant decrease in infiltration of gastric neutrophils and malondialdehyde (MDA) level after I/R was induced by melatonin and was disappeared after vagotomy. The stimulation of vagus nerve significantly enhanced these effects of melatonin. However, a stimulation of vagus nerve alone increased neutrophils infiltration and MDA level. Melatonin significantly increased the activities of catalase, glutathione peroxidase (GPx), superoxide dismutases (SOD). Unlike stimulation of vagus nerve, vagotomy decreased these effects of melatonin.
CONCLUSION: According to these results, it is probable that protective effects of melatonin after I/R may be mediated by vagus nerve. Therefore, there is an interaction between melatonin and vagus nerve in their protective effects.

PMID: 27096067 [PubMed]

Key Melatonin